Your selections:
Phase portraits of hyperbolic geometry
- Lindstrom, Scott B., Vrbik, Paul
Walking on real numbers
- Aragón Artacho, Francisco J., Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M., Borwein, Peter B.
Loving and Hating Mathematics by Reuben Hersh & Vera John-Steiner (book review)
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Osborn, Judy-Anne
Knowledge and community in mathematics
- Borwein, Jonathan, Stanway, Terry
The SIAM 100-digit challenge a study in high-accuracy numerical computing (book review)
Brouwer-Heyting sequences converge
The quest for pi
- Bailey, D. H., Borwein, J. M., Borwein, P. B., Plouffe, S.
Making sense of experimental mathematics
- Borwein, J., Borwein, P., Girgensohn, R., Parnes, S.
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